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Canada and youth travel

Monday, 20 March 2023
14:00 – 14:30
International Experience Canada (IEC), managed by the Canadian federal government, allows Canadian youth between the ages of 18 and 35 to obtain a work permit to work and travel in over 30 partner countries and territories. As a reciprocal program, youth citizens from our partner countries can do the same in Canada. As more travel opportunities are becoming possible, youth want to explore the world and take advantage of the options available to them. In this workshop, IEC will share findings from its recent research on the travel preferences of young Canadians, their motivations. We will also provide information on IEC’s Recognized Organizations, and some tips on marketing to youth who wish to make Canada their destination for work and travel. Let’s begin a discussion on how we can collaboratively promote and support travel experiences to youth.


Daniel Pang

Senior Policy Analyst
International Experience Canada

Sean Lynch

Assistant Director
International Experience Canada

Why attend

  • Over 150 attendees from the cultural exchange, work experience and au pair industry
  • 30+ pre-scheduled business appointments
  • Educational sessions on the latest sector trends
  • Networking events